Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Viewing Tree Depth

This version of my program partitions a unit cube and places them in a BVH tree. It renders the resulting bounding boxes (cubes) whose nodes have the desired tree depth.

I used this for timing. When generating and rendering a tree with a total depth of 6, it took ~14 - 20 seconds (for rendering boxes of depth one vs. depth six). A total depth of three took about 2-3 seconds, regardless of how many boxes I rendered. It seems strange that it should take so long.

I believe the ability to view by layer will help me debug my code as I develop an algorithm to group geometric shapes.

Silly Errors Along the way:

  • Swapping min and max corners when declaring boxes
  • Not overloading operators (like = )
  • Not returning anything for a non-void function.

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