Thursday, November 17, 2011

Viewing a PPM File

November 15, 2011
Step 1: Intro to PPM File Format

What is in a PPM file? 

     PPM file description:

    This 5 x 3 pixel image (drawn in GIMP, using only 255 and 0 for RGB values) gave the following when opened in TextEdit:
P6                                                                       // "Magic Number" Image type
# CREATOR: GIMP PNM Filter Version 1.1   // Comment
5 3                                                                    // Image Width and Height
255                                                                     // Max color value
ˇˇQˇQˇQˇ6ˇ6ˇ                                                    // Actual Data?

At first glance, I wanted each character to correspond to a specific color because the pattern almost matched. I looked up the individual ASCII characters and their binary forms to further investigate...

NA?       3200100000 Red??
ˇ      13610001000 Black??
Q       8101010001 Green??
6       6 00000110 Blue??


P 6 means the data is stored in a binary format. Each pixel uses three bytes of data - one byte each for R, G, and B. ( Max color value makes sense : 2^8 = 256 ). 

                    Expected # Bytes = Width x Height x 3 = 15 x 3 = 45 bytes.

If a char is 1 byte, why am I only seeing 12 characters? What happened to the other 33 bytes? Are there characters I cannot see?

PPM code references:

November 16, 2011

The TextEdit version of my PPM image was NOT what I expected. From my understanding, it should have been something like:

00000000 00000000 00000000 --for black    
11111111 00000000 00000000 --for red          
00000000 11111111 00000000 --for green
00000000 00000000 11111111 --for blue

I coded a tack to read from the file, store it in a char array, and print it to the screen. The data portion was seemingly missing... (Turns out the ascii codes for 0 and 255 are not visible characters.)

Changed the colors from 255 (1111 1111 = (null) ) to 125 ( 0111 1101 = } ) and 0 (0000 0000) to 33 (00100001 = !), I would expect to see :
!!!   }!!   !!!   }!!  !!!
!}!   !!!   !}!   !!!   !{!
!!!   !!}   !!!   !!}   !!!

Instead, I opened the .ppm with TextEdit and got this:
# CREATOR: GIMP PNM Filter Version 1.1
5 3
Maybe TextEdit isn't the correct way to view the data. How does it open files? Can it open files with binary, and does it display binary as ascii?

For a different viewing method, I consulted J Bowles who showed me the following terminal commands for a more reliable way of viewing:

od -xc ColorTestGrid.ppm | less
od -bc ColorTestGrid.ppm | less 
Detailed description found HERE.

These (as well as emacs) gave:

# CREATOR: GIMP PNM Filter Version 1.1
5 3
 As expected. Viewing mystery solved!

References :

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