Saturday, October 1, 2011

Debugging and Visualizing

Color as function of reflected view direction: 

Responsible code (found in sphere's shade function)

vec3f normal = hr.hitNormal;
vec3f viewDir = hr.startPt-hr.hitPoint;
vec3f refvDir = reflectVector(hr.hitNormal, viewDir);         
vec3f unitvec = refvDir;

shadeRec.color = (unitvec + vec3f(1.f)) * .5;
return shadeRec;
This makes sense, considering the axis to color correspondence: Red- X, Green - Y, Blue - Z. Replacing "unitvec" with other variables gives different debugging images. For instance, substituting hr.hitNormals gives: 
Color as function of Hit Normals: 

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